Monday, October 17, 2011

Computer Simulation, So What?

Wolf's computer simulation article was published in 1999 and although it summarizes computer imaging and simulation, I don't truly see the relevance. Maybe, I didn't take a long enough look at the article, but I honestly don't see how a simulation will ever trump the real. For example, video game creators can make the most realistic Call of Duty ever in the history of video games and yet anyone with half a brain will realize its not the same thing as real life. Not even close. Now many simulations are more advanced than Call of Duty, but any of those simulations will be taken with a grain of salt.

I just didn't get it.


  1. i agree. it scared me when they were talking about how doctors can learn to do a surgery through a simulation. Its not the same thing at all. You don't have the pressure on you about the fact that it is a real human being. Same with people getting their pilot's license through just training on a simulation. It is not the same thing because their is more pressure and fear once you are doing the real thing. I don't understand why they would even consider simulations to be close enough to the real thing to practice on.

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  3. Kinda makes me wonder if someday all life will be lived through computer simulation. God I hope not. I didn't get it either.

  4. The obvious point, would be that simulations occur in the absence of the real. Wouldn't you want your surgeon to have unlimited time with simulations before he works on the real thing? Similarly, flight simulators aid in the training of pilots, they do not replace flying. Practice in this sense is made more available which is vital given the restrictive circumstances of the event being trained for.

    We have to understand the context of the simulation and perhaps the purpose of creating a non-real version of the experience. Thinking about the premise of the simulation will surely validate existence of any example you come up with.
